Do it now cause...

Tomorrow ain't promised today

Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Frances...I'll kill you

Ok now Frances, I dare you to do it. Try ruining my birthday!! Guess what i still win. Dominik is coming from Germany to visit us hopefully, shhh don't tell Heather, it won't be happening til around...oh say...
Dominik: and i would be there on heathers 18th birthday
Now wouldn't that be a great present. Better than any material things.

Luke is very concerned with the conditions of Africans. Sometimes that boy makes me think. I love him dearly but yeah...he cares so much about other people, people that he doesnt even know...i need to find someone for him, someone to make him happy. Look at this:

CRRRRAAAAAAZZZZY: they took 50 random people, put them in a house and poured gas on the house and lit it on fire and shot anyone who ran out of the house
CRRRRAAAAAAZZZZY: they cut one guys hands off because he was nigerian and smeared the blood in his wifes face, and when his brother tried to help him they cut off his hands too and laughed

I'd like to say...that I love Thomas. I dunno how i know this, it just feels so right. I'd do anything for him. Scary.

My Grandparents want to take me out for MY BIRTHDAY avec my tomo. That should be interesting. Now i must go do some more homework before i help out my crazy friends with their video ;)

Monday, August 30, 2004

I don't want to know...

Lately I, and others, have been sharing too much information, and people are getting disusted lol. I personally find these things funny, and entertaining, but others dont feel the same way, at all. I'm sorry to you.

Okay, on a happier note...It is my birthday on friday and lyndsey is horny and i think it is funny. She and I have the weirdest conversations and it is funny. "I'm just good with words, i think people should take lessons from ME." lol I enjoy her...a lot. Heather and Luke are funny and I LOVE THEM a lot.

Tom fact...the best...ever. I luv him.

Furthermore, I learned that I CAN NOT PLEASE EVERYBODY. Deal with it. I will do what I want, to, for, and with, who i want...and you can't stop me.

Sunday, August 29, 2004

Drama...who needs it

Yes...there was drama at work today, it blowed big time. I love Katie Lewis...and tomorrow is her birthday woo yay katie. She gets her license before me :( but my birthday is on friday ::hint hint:: I also love Lyndsey Baldyga she is cool. Her and Katie=drama with work=bad.

I luv Thomas. Thank you, goodnight.

Saturday, August 28, 2004

Food does the body good

Okay so i had work today...not too bad...Lyndsey was there and she is very enjoyable and tells funny stories, i <3 her. My birthday is THIS FRIDAY!!!!!!!! woo hoo :) i'm having the whole crew over for it and it's going to be fun!!!

Heather and Mason visited me today...i was pleased

Tom is coming over later...okay i will go now goodbye

Friday, August 27, 2004

Who are they?

Soooo today i met the infamous GLEN. That's right. The Glen that Pat loves. I don't know if that is how you spell his name. But he is cool. I will now try all the possible combinations of pat's friends name:
  • Glen
  • Glynn
  • Glenn
  • George
  • Glyn
Heather, Sophie, Sara, Pat, Luke, David, and I went to eat pizza downtown and then went to see "without a paddle" it was funny. Then we went to Heather's Casa where pat brought Glen and Andrew, the not-so-cool-crazy-indian-boy. It was a fun night. Tom is being rather mean, and it hurts a little bit, only a modicum.

Go on...I dare you to make me happy...

Thursday, August 26, 2004

The one thing I HATE in this world...

is physics....i seriously loathe it. ALL OF IT. Thanks Mr.Greydanus for trying to make me like it....but sucks

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

What's your fantasy?

I promised Luke that I would write down my fantasies...well now I don't know how good they are compared to Heather's one about sex on the beach in figi:

1) Travel to Europe again, but with Tom...or someone really cool. See all that there is to see there and just have fun, fun is the key to all.
2) Tom will get me a good, meaningful birthday present...or not...that's cool too. He needs to think may reveal some things.
3) Fantasy eh? brandon boyd you say? why yes...thank you

Ok, now that that is over ::oh the horror:: my birthday friday! wow yeah...i'm having people over then for a semi-shindig of some sorts. I think it will be very fun. Don't you? Lol. Some people are ccccrrraaazzzzyyyy yes...that way crazy, so crazy i just can't even think about them, like david g. or that michael behr one.

I miss CN boys, they are coming back soon :)
magnet08: Ay! Its brooke, whats happening?
Oh man...i miss that boy. and josh and hartley and del (who happened to call me the other day hehe) well yes this has been a lovely entry about fantasies and whatnot. What is your fantasy?