Do it now cause...

Tomorrow ain't promised today

Sunday, October 23, 2005

So family came and left, i love them so much and it's hard without them. I may pretend like i'm cool on my own up here, but i really really do need them. It was good having them here, plus all the presents :).

Besides that there was a few hours of me being sad, which quickly faded away. I'm learning to forgive people easier, and not hold a grudge. I'm learning people do not always mean everything that they say to you. I'm learning not only about other people, but about myself. Although i have grown up so much, there are still times when i revert into child mode, it's fun, it makes me laugh. I'm not only glad that I'm learning more about me, and how to deal with things, but Sarah has helped me a lot to not get so mad, and not care so much, and not take everything just how it appears. I've been laughing, loving, and learning so much more than ever. I've become more responsible too. Like those late nights when sarah and i have to wait up for brittany, find her and her car, and then take care of her while she's showering in her clothes. My new friends here are so much less drama prone then the old ones. There's NO girl fights. NONE. I have not fought with one girl over anything yet here, which means i'm growing and the people are amazing. Okay actually i fought with diana, but does she count as a girl??? Could she be bipolar? Yes i think so. I can deal with it i suppose...the times that shes nice are fun and we can all laugh together, but when she turns into godzilla....geez i can't take it. Hmmm what else is there to talk about. I've got 4 really great girl friends here. Sarah, brittany, lindsey, and caitlin. They are each awesome in their own way. The guy friends that I have: dan, luke, warner, dave, keith, brian, nelson, nick, and i guess mike counts. They are fun too, but they have more drama then the girls here, WEIRD!!!!!!!!!!

Last night i want to bring the boys food, and they asked where sarah was. I told them she was talking to kyle, which is usually where she is when shes not with me, ;) lol since we are lesbians, yeah right. Brian started going off on how he hates kyle so much for being mean to sarah, and he hates sarah for talking to kyle still. And i didn't understand where his hatred was coming from. Sarah has never really talked to brian about these things, he only knows that she talks to him and that normally shes happy, but sometimes sad over him. Brian i think, is the most protective of our neighbors, and would do anything to protect sarah and i, which is quite comforting. I just feel bad that the boys hate kyle, i dont think sarah likes that they jump to conclusions, and i dont really either. Yeah he might be mean to her sometimes, but i've been there before. When you're in love, or something like it, nothing matters but that person. Most of the time i wish that i could have that again, but another part of me loves not worrying about anything right now. Wow i sound so grown up, when something comes to me it ill be here. Im not going looking for anything like i normally do, and im not taking any random guy (mullet). I just want to make me happy more than anything, and i suppose im doing a pretty good job.

I have the most random thoughts ever...why? I don't know. The only place i can really think about them is here, cause most of the time im thinking, or doing other things. I love being in college, and always having someone to hang out with <----girl sitting right there, or boys right there ^. I love not being restricted, and being able to make my own decisions.

Okay, time to shower....go to blockbuster, watch saw, and then make quesadillas!!!!!!! WOOT


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