Do it now cause...

Tomorrow ain't promised today

Friday, January 20, 2006

Spring Semester so far

Okay. It's only been two weeks, but what a glorious two weeks it was. For all of you wondering, and even if you weren't wondering. Kyle and I are together, FINALLY. So, things are going well with us, and I miss him a lot but I will see him every two weeks. After tomorrow we will have beaten our last relationship, which was 6 days. Geez. Other than that, things with my roomates have been good. I love Sarah and I can't wait to spend the next 4 years living with her! OOOH shes truly the best friend ever. The other night she got kind of mad at me for the first time, but things are good. Britts doing well and shes awesome too, and so are the boys. Diana and I haven't fought. Surprise. Surprise. I see Luke and Dan 3 times a week, but they are exes so i guess that I will have to get used to it. Although I will probably see if Dan wants to do something this weekend. I called Heather last night and she didn't answer or call back maybe she will soon i miss her. Plus Traceface and I are better again. ANDDDDDDDD I miss Lyndsey and Katie terribly. Next year, with me sarah lyn and kt, and then kyle and the boys. Almost everyone that I love will be here, living so close to me. I know that I will love it. I will have basically all of my best friends over all of the time and I dont even know how amazing that will be, but it will be THE BEST. It's not so far away, only 7 months.

In other news, classes are okay, i suppose. This weekend ill prolly do a lot of homework ICK.

I miss everyone. I miss home. I'll be home in two weeks to see my loves. Right on.