Do it now cause...

Tomorrow ain't promised today

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

i know now you're my only hope

[But I gotta, kn-kn-kn-know what-what's your fan-ta-ta-sy] if and only if this is sung by kellen malloy because he is the most amazing human being ever

So last night was gay, it's done with. Whatever. Today was the last day of classes and it was tres bien. Je suis heureux. I dont know why i am speaking in french. Maybe it is because my french class was cancelled today and that made me happy cause i came back to my dorm and slept. I then had my music lit listening which was gay, but then chris cary surprised me by playing some pretty cool music instead of the gay crap we normally listen to. After that calc sucked, i kind of read the alligator and did the crossword puzzle instead of listening :/ When i got back i owned sarah in mario kart again, cause she sucks. But then she left for class, so i tried to sleep and i could not no matter how hard i tried, even though i only got like 5.5 hours or something stupid last night :( So i was kind of here alone for a little while. I downloaded my music, in the illegal way that doesnt get us caught, and just studied for a bit.

Tonight is going to be GAY. First at 630 we have our "floor" meeting with our RA, which isn't really a floor meeting cause it's two floors, 4th and 5th. Secondly, i have a bit of time in between that and an 830 meeting. Which is not with our floor, which i would prefer, but instead it's going to be Sarah, Brittany, Diana, and I. GAY I SAY. I know that we need it, and i know we can't gang up 3 on one on Diana. But sometimes she just makes me so angry. Hopefully this meeting goes well, and does not end in someone killing/punching/or hurting someone in some way. Maybe it'll be good and we'll all have a good laugh together.

So that stuff is going to suck, but then Sarah and I are going to go do something fun cause that's how we do. Oh and probably everyone else (keith alyssa brian dave lindsey) are probably gonna do whatever we do cause they rely on us too much.

Oh and i also love how irrational sarah is. She makes no sense whatesoever which is why shes the biggest slut ever. Today she is happy with herself because she is going to eat 3 meals. Shes so gay. But the conversation went:

B " NO!"
S "BROOKE! the people in my ab. psych class think im like bulimic or something cause i told jessie that i had 2 meals already today and i was excited about it, and they were kind of healthy meals too"
B "No they weren't healthy you had honey nut cheerios, and some lunchables/burger king!"
S "Yeah well you're not healthy, you told me to not have 3 meals!"

and as im typing this, she is watching to "see how the conversation ends" i believe that is what she said, even though she partook in the conversation and did in fact now how it ended. "I sound so dumb. thats so cool! (sarcasm)" haha i love my blonde sarah. She just called me a slut :(

and the best convo ever with keith was just had too. The boys arent going to the floor meeting tonight cause they said we will go and then tell them what happens. So keith decided he would go in place of the four of them. Sarah and i decided that we would NOT tell them what happened, and we pinky promised. So keith comes in just now and tells us he cant go to the meeting, kind of gives us this face like "will you tell me what happens?" and sarah goes NOOOOOO and i said WE PINKY PROMISED NO. He goes...thats cool and starts walking out. Sarahs like WAIT! and hes like 'no we're not hanging out tonight, i pinkied promised the boys i wouldnt" and just leaves. :( mean keith.

Sarah and i are now yelling at the top of our lungs arguing over the way to say words. Like AH-range and O-range...or UM-brella versus umbrella.

and keith says in response.... to my away message
ABwashboard: quit
ABwashboard: <---- (this is funny cause the arrow points towards sarahs laptop next to mine)
to sarahs away message
ABwashboard: screaming

Im jamming out to music, singing at the top of my lungs, and being crazy, and annoying sarah....oooooh gotta love the good moods.