Do it now cause...

Tomorrow ain't promised today

Sunday, April 17, 2005

omg, funniest shit ever.

The funny times of prom '05, only a few will understand

It all started off when dan walked into a door...Once in the limo the driver was insane. He told us that we could do "whatever the fuck we wanted, excluding alcohol and drugs, anything else goes." Luke was up for sex. Limo drive and dinner were funny, but i dont remember most of the funny things. At prom i danced all over tracy the whole time, making her rather uncomfortable. Only heather and i can pull of the girl on girl dancing, lol. Well the whole night the boys got mad about random shit and all sat there the whole time. Tom said that i "slut it up", david "was bored", luke "had no date", pat was apparently going to kiss katie(that was the rumor). So they all sat around lol. Tracy danced with callahan? Anyway after prom was where the really funny shit happened.

We went to the beach. We all bet dan to strip naked and jump in the water. He and pat ran out of the limo pulling clothes off and throwing them on the beach, they got down to boxers and both ran into the ocean. Tom and i gathered the clothes and hid them, then ran away. We also got yelled at by this coupled trying to have sex in a lifeguard stand, who does that? Tom tried to run down the beach holding my hand, and he ended up dragging me when i fell, and then i got yelled at! lol. Okay so after the beach=lukes house.

We all got to lukes and changed really quickly into bathing suits and went swimming cause pool=hot air=cold. It was more of a drinking/swimming event. Fun Fun. After that we all got changed and just hung out. I had gotten a call early from a mysterious robin that i believed to be tracys friend. So of course a rather buzzed brooke asked tracy if that was her number. Tracy confirmed and then tracy and brooke had a talk. We had a long talk about many things cause i love my tracy, and towards the end tracy concluded that i should not call robin back. I really wanted to mess with her b/c i had too much to drink, although tracy had the same amount cause we shared. She wouldnt let me call, so dan offered to. But dan was drunk off of his ass, so we sat around arguing and grabbing my phone from each other. We ended up not calling but it was funny. Then i danced behind dan some, and then tried to kiss tracy, not really though. I did however scream to tom telling him that tracy wouldnt kiss me, cause she is my love.

Sometime around 5 we all found places to sleep and passed out. Then at 1030, tom and i being up first, went and woke everyone up. We found katie on the couch so we went to see who was in her room, and found tracy in the bed with what looked like dan. Then dan gets off the floor and comes to say hi to us, and we realize tracy and pat are in bed together. And that is where i will end my weird adventure of prom night.

many pretty pictures below...


At 4/17/2005 2:12 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahahaha...last night was wonderful. I do have to say tho that my date was not mad at all....that I know of anywayz...yes that is right I danced with was funny...I love you too Brooke!


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